Wide Area Coordinate Measuring Machine Launched

Keyence has launched a wide area coordinate measuring machine. The Keyence WM series allows precision measurements over a large area by just touch the part with the Bluetooth 5 wireless hand-held measuring probe providing portable inspection on the plant floor or in the laboratory. The WM CMM can measure up to 10m (30 ft) parts.

Integral triple-camera tracking allows for high-accuracy measurement over a large area by using a new concept with a tracking camera that captures near-infrared light emitted by seven probe markers. The reference camera and probe search camera enable high measurement accuracy with a repeatability of ±10 μm over the measuring area.

The WM Series internal camera can detect with ultra high accuracy tracking camera rotations of ±90° (left or right) and ±30° (up or down) by identifying the internal chart. 3D coordinates are calculated with the camera used as the reference. The tracking camera detects only the near-infrared light emitted by the probe markers thus as long as the probe is within the camera’s field of view, its position and orientation can be detected.

The laser interferometer used for inspection and calibration has been calibrated by a UKAS accredited company for a traceability system that meets international standards – UKAS has a mutual recognition agreement with A2LA. The WM CMM performs self-calibration before measurement.

Effortless Measurement With Probe Search Camera

If the light emitted from the probe markers is temporarily blocked, the probe position is automatically detected when visible again allowing seamless measurements to be performed without having to worry about the range where the light can be received. The probe also has a visible probe detection status
confirmation LED.

The probe is equipped with a 2.7-inch transmissive TFT color LCD touch screen eliminating operator back and forth walking between computer and part. The probe internal battery has an 8 hours operating life with the complete probe assembly weighing 600 grams (1.32 lbs). The WM Camera head weighs approximately 13 kg (28.6 lbs) and its claimed that the system can be setup and made ready for inspection in just 2 minutes.

The WM Series provides intuitive operation by using easily understood images and icons to guide the user on system operation. In addition to circle, distance, and other basic measurements, it is possible to take virtual point measurements such as midpoint, GD&T measurements (flatness, etc.), and XYZ coordinate measurements. Hand-written notes can be added to reports from the probe monitor. The probe tip is also equipped with a small camera, so the WM Series can overlay 3D part images from the probe camera.

Augmented Reality Measurement Guidance

Anyone can measure the features the same way it was originally measured. Simply place the probe against the location displayed on the composite image. The WM Series reduces subjectivity by automatically detecting if measurements were taken correctly.

Users can perform CAD comparison measurement of the part. Deviations between part and 3D CAD data can be displayed as a color map supporting measurements of free-form curved surfaces and profile tolerances. Auto trigger function allows up to 200 continuous points to be taken by tracing the probe over free-form shapes. Easy-to-understand inspection reports can be created with images and measured data in editable rich text format (RTF).

CMM indication error accuracy is quoted at ± (28 + 5 L/1000) μm.

Typical measurement WM applications include:

In-Machine Measurement
Measure 3D and GD&T features while the part remains in the machine tool.

Assembly Measurement
Check assemblies and inspection jigs

Post-Assembly Measurement
Measure flatness, true position and parallelism after assembly

3D CAD Comparison After Welding/Assembly
After welding or assembly, positional relationships can be compared against 3D CAD data

For more information: www.keyence.com

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