Artec 3D Launches Metrology Kit Optical Coordinate Measuring System

Artec 3D Launches Metrology Kit Optical Coordinate Measuring System

Artec 3D Launches Metrology Kit Optical Coordinate Measuring System

Artec 3D, developer and manufacturer of professional 3D hardware and software, has announced the release of the Artec Metrology Kit, a 3D optical coordinate measuring system for high-precision inspection – unlocking deformation analysis and enabling greater accuracy for measuring objects and areas …

Artec 3D Launches Metrology Kit Optical Coordinate Measuring System

Artec 3D Launches Metrology Kit Optical Coordinate Measuring System

Artec 3D, developer and manufacturer of professional 3D hardware and software, has announced the release of the Artec Metrology Kit, a 3D optical coordinate measuring system for high-precision inspection – unlocking deformation analysis and enabling greater accuracy for measuring objects and areas …