‘Roadmap for Machine Vision – Market Requirements and Technologies of Tomorrow’

The corona pandemic continues to affect people’s lives and puts the economy to the test across all industries. The Fraunhofer Vision Alliance is therefore offering the roadmap for industrial image processing as a free PDF file in a special campaign.

The Fraunhofer Vision Alliance’s ‘Roadmap for Machine Vision – Market Requirements and Technologies of Tomorrow’ offers a foresight process that maps out market requirements and corresponding technology potentials that will significantly influence and shape solutions for machine vision in the coming years. Aspects such as automated system design, inline measurement and testing technology, economical testing of small series, but also the associated need for standardization and standardization are considered. In addition, suggestions for promoting innovation are derived for eight fields of action, which are intended to support potential funding bodies in planning future funding priorities and programs,

In an accompanying poster the two areas of market requirements and technologies are considered and compared with one another in a time series extending up to the year 2035.

As part of the roadmap special, interested  parties in the subject of image processing can request a free PDF version by emailing frvision@fraunhofer.de

For more information: www.vision.fraunhofer.de

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