Real-Time Measurement Asset Visibility Provides Actionable Insights

Factory asset management based on real-time data is an essential part of every smart manufacturing strategy. But successful asset management depends on having access to actionable insights in a format that is easy to access and use. Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence division’s HxGN SFX | Asset Management allows CMM and laser tracker operators and quality managers to monitor metrology asset performance via a centralised dashboard, enabling real-time decision-making and greater visibility into sources of downtime and extra capacity. The solution’s PRO package extends a number of the Lite option’s capabilities, including measurement of overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), CMM speed monitoring, inspection run time and routine progress.

Greg Holdsworth, SFx Market & Product Manager at Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division, says, “Manufacturers can respond to changing business needs much quicker when they have instant access to the software they need to meet their challenges. The availability of HxGN SFx | Asset Management PRO on our online shop means customers can easily start monitoring their quality systems and generating the real-time data that enables smarter manufacturing.”

Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division has integrated HxGN SFx | Asset Management into its online shop, enabling customers to easily self-onboard to the PRO package’s online subscription model. Customers will gain immediate access to the software and the cloud-based model enables instant updates. Customers can also flexibly scale the software to their requirements, with simple self-management of subscriptions and renewals.

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