
Loadcell cân sàn LC

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  • Vận chuyển giao hàng toàn quốc
  • Phương thức thanh toán linh hoạt
  • Gọi ngay +84 978.190.642 để mua và đặt hàng nhanh chóng


Ideal for integration in bench scales, counting scales and checkweighers: with the LC series Single Point load cells, you can rely on the tried-andtested quality of a leading manufacturer of industrial weighing technology. Suitable for load ranges of 7.5 kg to 500 kg and a platform size of up to 800 mm × 800 mm.

  • Reliable weighing through accurate measurement results
  • Three different models for easy integration
  • Versatile optional weighing electronics
  • Design-in support from specialists

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