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  • Vận chuyển giao hàng toàn quốc
  • Phương thức thanh toán linh hoạt
  • Gọi ngay +84 978.190.642 để mua và đặt hàng nhanh chóng


XCAM1080H2 camera is a multiple interfaces (HDMI+USB2.0+SD card, so X here means multiple interfaces) CMOS camera and it adopts ultra-high performance CMOS sensor as the image-picking device. USB2.0 is used as the data transfer interface.
For HDMI output, a camera control panel and toolbar are overlayed on the HDMI screen, in this case, the USB mouse can be used to set the camera,browse and compare the captured image, play the video et al.
For USB2.0 output, unplug the mouse and plug in the USB2.0 cable, then the video stream can be transfer to computer with the advanced software HKbasic. With HKbasic, you can control the camera, process the image as KOPTIC’s other camera series.
XCAM camera can be used for microscope, industrial stereo microscope, on-line inspection et al.

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