Cảm biến đo độ rung phòng nổ SKF CMPT 2310A CMPT 2310TA

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  • Vận chuyển giao hàng toàn quốc
  • Phương thức thanh toán linh hoạt
  • Gọi ngay +84 978.190.642 để mua và đặt hàng nhanh chóng



• ATEX certiication:
• I M 1 Ex ia I Ma (–50 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +110 °C)
• IECEx certiication: Ex ia I Ma (–50 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +110 °C)
• IP 67
• 100 mV/g sensitivity
• CMPT 2310TA includes an integral temperature sensor (10 mV/°C)
• Rugged design, stainless steel encapsulation sealed sensor housing
• Integral 5 m (16.4 feet) stainless steel wire over-braided shielded cable
• Straightforward sensor interface with color-coded cabling
• Standard mounting techniques, utilizing a low proile side exit cable with recessed mounting screws
• The internal sensor capsule is isolated from the machine ground
• Low noise, highly shock resistant, and overload protected electronics

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