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  • astra+

    ASTRA +

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    Astra+ DetailsThe Astra + Developer kit is a cutting-edge spatial computing developer kit with sophisticated computer vision and advanced AI sensors. Using structured light and image processing, Astra + computes a 3D image of the observed environment in real-time. Astra + provides accurate 3D perception even under difficult conditions. Using Astra + Developer Kit provides a base for manufacturing, retail, healthcare, and businesses to leverage spatial data to increase performance, improve outcomes, and revolutionize the customer experience. The Astra + offers high resolution, precision via Orbbec’s innovative sensor technology, plus powerful features at an attractive price, making the Astra + premier in the market. If you’re still looking for the Astra+ Module (non-housing version) it is still available by request.


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    ASTRA EMBEDDED S DetailsThe Astra Embedded S is Orbbec’s next generation structured light 3D camera – Be a part of the future for depth sensing cameras! It is a compact sensor with increased frame rate and field of view. The Astra Embedded S continues to impress with its USB 3.0 connectivity and an upgraded color imaging sensor. The Astra Embedded S provides computer vision that enables dozens of functions for close range high precision applications such as face identification, gesture recognition, three-dimensional measurement, and AR/VR. The product images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the product. USB cable not included.