New eviXscan 3D Optima+ M Scanner Launched

Evatronix has launched its eviXscan 3D Optima+ M scanner which is distinguished by high accuracy and speed – it replaces the previous Heavy Duty Optima model.

Optima+ M is designed for precise scanning of medium-sized objects in the size range of 70 mm to 1000 m. In comparison to the previous eviXscan 3D Heavy Duty Optima model, the time taken for a single scan with Optima+ M is four times faster and equals just 1.2 seconds, due to the external conditions having less influence on the scan process quality.

The scanning area is increased by 43% compared to the previous model and a single scan with Optima+ M can obtain measurement data from a volume of 320 mm x 190 mm x 120 mm. Despite the scanning range increase the high quality of scan is maintained.

Optima+ M scanner provides a high density of scanning points of 117 pts/mm2, and its accuracy ranges 0.009 mm (parameter Ps in accordance with the VDI/VDE guideline 2634 Part 2). This is the result of using high-speed 7 MPx cameras and a projector using modern DLP chipset that allow the scanner to achieve more accurate measurement results despite the increased scanning range. Compared to its predecessor, Optima+ M also has a reduced distance between scanner and the scanned object.

Configuration of Optima+ M is more straightforward thanks to the elimination of the HDMI cable – only a USB 3.0 cable is necessary to connect the scanner to the computer. .

The light and compact design, together with ease of integration, allows Optima+ M to be used in robotized measurement systems. Evatronix has already developed software that supports scanner integration with Universal Robots, HANS and Kuka cobots/robots guaranteeing efficient system implementation and easy operation. Optima+ M as a universal scanner, offering excellent value for money, can also be successfully used in reverse engineering, non-contact quality control or rapid prototyping.

We designed Optima+ M with the goal to make it as versatile as possible in various industries” says Szymon Ścibik, leader of the R&D team at Evatronix. “Thanks to the proper selection of components, we managed to create a measuring device that achieves high accuracy results while maintaining a large scanning area.”

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