Mini Non-Contact Measuring Column

The new TR Scan Compact Z is a miniature height measuring column that allows non-contact height measurements on all types of materials such as gold, soft surfaces, transparent surfaces etc.

The systems CCMP (Confocal Chromatic Microscopy Point) technology, combined with a digital camera, allows to visualize the ‘virtual ball’ measurement point on the part. This method of height measurements makes it possible to measure places that a conventional contact sensor cannot reach.

The Trimos Compact Z software is extremely simple. Its philosophy is inspired by that of the Trimos height gages allowing quick non-contact height measurements even by inexperienced users.

The optional measuring system on the table (X/Y) allows fast and precise positioning with the extremely fast Z-measuring system (2000 Hz) allowing dynamic height measurements on moving parts.

The Z-axis travel wheel has two functions: quick movement and fine positioning to easily adjust the working distance. The tilt adjustment of the table is done achieved the two knobs on the front of the table. The vision system with its adjustable external light makes it possible to correctly view the current measurement area. The table’s thumbwheel allows precise movement in X & Y.

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