Inspection Fixture Trio Feature Speed, Size and Weight Advantages

Industrial inspection and quality control rely on precision measuring machines and precision fixturing alike. Reliable and repeatable fixture set-up is a basic requirement for successful and accurate measurement. Therefore fixturing is as important a part of proper quality control as the choice of a suitable CMM, form measuring machine or vision measurement system.

Mitutoyo fixture equipment is designed and manufactured with uncompromising precision. Additionally, universality, flexibility and efficiency are essential aspects for choosing Mitutoyo fixturing systems.

Fast Positioning Fixturing – eco-fix rail kit S

Recent additions to the Mitutoyo fixture line feature three different types, each created for specific part measurement roles. The functions of these systems comprise components that broaden the capability of what workpieces can be fixed, as well as how well and how quickly. The fixturing systems are produced at one of Mitutoyo’s specialized facilities in Germany, these high-end fixture systems offer a welcomed addition to the already extensive lineup.

Mitutoyo multiflex-profile fixture

multiflex-profile – Base Frame Component System for Large Workpieces

This framing series is used when parts are too big for the eco-fix and eco-fixplus base plates. Comprised of three different key components, this profile line-up implements slider elements to easily adjust Mitutoyo’s vari-fix columns to fix larger workpieces.

eco-fixplus – High Rigidity Stainless Steel Fixture Components

Compared to the other modular fixture system from Mitutoyo, the eco-fix series, this new version is made to withstand the weight of large, heavy workpieces. With stainless steel components instead of the more commonly known anodized aluminum counterparts this product range significantly reduces the requirement for custom-made solutions.

eco-fix rail kit S – Fast Positioning Fixturing Kit

The initial mounting of these rails can be accomplished quickly, thus making it possible to slide base elements with the integrated build-up components already attached. The eco-fix rail system defines flexibility in modular CMM fixturing, with its ultra-fast setup method.

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