Inline Multi-Laser Scanning CMM

The val-IT Smart is a 3D inspection cell, from Dutch company SENSEIT, that uses multiple laser triangulation sensors to accurately measures components. The system is described by the company as perfect for validating large, complex parts such as castings and can be installed inline or operated as a stand-alone inspection station. The cell offering an part inspection measuring volume of 800 mm x 500 mm x 500 mm.

The val-IT Smart incorporates a programmable part ‘roll’-over’ mechanism enabling a full 360 degree part scan to be performed. The part scanning process is fully automated negating any human interaction. The green and blue laser scanners, mounted on vibration free linear motion guideways, are able to detect various different types of part defects including part deviations, deformations, indentation and excessive machining burrs. A typical inspection cycle time is quoted at less than 30 seconds for an automotive transmission housing.

A user-friendly touch panel interface is incorporated into val-IT Smart, with the generated point cloud compared with a CAD reference model, and allows parts tolerances to be set, saved and adjusted.

Data collected by the val-IT Smart system during the execution of the scan process is stored as accessible information and can be presented by batch, type of product or time period. Data can inform concerning recurring errors in the scanned components providing insight into recurring manufacturing errors

The system uses the principle of laser triangulation. A commonly used technique to measure 3D geometry. Multiple laser lines follow the surface of the part to gain information about positions of shape with each laser profile captured by the camera representing a 3D slice of the scanned object. All slices combined form a complete 3D model of the object. This means that the more images captured, the higher the resolution of the scan process and uses a camera with a high-speed sensor that takes high resolution images with thousands of frames per second.

The high intensity high dynamic range (HDR) laser sensors offer low signal to noise ratio and special dynamic functions to avoid overexposure.

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