Huawei Unveils First 5G MEC Industrial Vision Solution

At the PT Expo China 2020, Beijing, Huawei has launched the first 5G MEC (Mobile Edge Computing) based Industrial Visual solution for manufacturing industry. The solution encompasses the lossless compression-capable SDK, MEC platform (MEP), user plane functions (UPFs), lossless decompression service, and machine vision apps. The lossless compression-capable SDK is integrated with 5G industrial cameras that work with the lossless decompression service on the MEC node allowing the 5G cameras to compress HD images to one-third – one-sixth of their original size, greatly reducing uplink bandwidth usage.

Liu Zhi, VP of Huawei Packet Core Network product line, explained that Huawei 5G MEC-based Industrial Vision Solution leverages the cloud-edge-device synergy and lossless compression technologies. These technologies are key to efficiently reducing the bandwidth required to transmit HD images in manufacturing industry, realizing agile deployment and automatic O & M, and guaranteeing data security. The 5G MEC-based Industrial Vision Solution paves the way for a wide range of application for the 5G MEC solution in the industrial vision industry.

Microview has released the first 5G MEC-based industrial cameras embedded with the Huawei SDK and 5G modules. The cameras produce HD images with tens of millions of pixels, which it can then compress without data loss. This help reduce bandwidth for transmission and therefore allows customers to install more cameras in factories for automated quality inspection.

The ‘lossless’ decompression service on the MEC node works with cameras using the lossless compression capable SDK which can perfectly reconstruct images. Furthermore, Huawei 5G MEC based industrial vision solution allows users to remotely set, control, upgrade, and maintain the cameras, and remotely update the decompression algorithm accordingly.

In terms of cloud-edge synergy, Huawei 5G MEC allows users to run the industrial vision algorithm on computing nodes at the operators’ edge, providing dense computing power, reducing cost, and satisfying high data security requirements. Huawei MEC nodes innovatively collaborate with the training platform on the cloud to periodically update the industrial vision algorithm, and manage algorithms used on different edge nodes in a unified manner, simplifying operations & maintenance.

The Huawei 5G MEC-based industrial vision solution speeds up delivery of vision applications to manufacturing customers. With high bandwidth, reliability, and connection density promised by 5G, customers can install industrial cameras without laying out cables, update AI algorithms used on edge nodes and cameras in a prompt manner, and improve efficiency of flexible manufacturing and automation.

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