Hexagon Raises Curtain on CMM Laser Scanning

Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division has announced the first exclusive showing of its new genre-busting HP-L-10.10 non-contact laser line scanner in at the EASTEC 2021 exhibition (October 19-21, 2021). The HP-L-10.10 is the latest addition to Hexagon’s extensive offering of sensor solutions for coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) that provide manufacturers with future-ready options for busy shop floors.

The HP-L-10.10 cross-platform technology deploys the same ultra-high-speed, high-precision 3D scanning capability found in the latest Hexagon portable Absolute Arm and Absolute Tracker solutions. The HP-L-10.10 is seven times faster than its predecessor and delivers high precision scanning that the company states is currently not present in the CMM marketplace. The scanner offers comparable repeatability and performance to tactile measurements executed on the same CMM.

The HP-L-10.10 will be demonstrated on a GLOBAL S, Hexagon’s productivity line of CMMs, along with PC-DMIS inspection software during EASTEC. Through a highly configurable technology platform, GLOBAL S ensures that quality engineers creating measurement routines, operators executing inspections, and quality managers analyzing data all have the technology tools needed to ensure continuous improvement in the production workflow.

Attendees will also get a look at the off-the-shelf automatic TEMPO part loading system. This industrial automation technology increases CMM throughput by adding lights-out quality control to the manufacturing shop floor. The TEMPO facilitates autonomous measurement that is free from interruption so manufacturers can maintain output when CMM operators are not unavailable.

For more information: www.hexagonmi.com

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