Hexagon Opens Prague Laser Tracker ISO Certification Center

The Prague Czech Republic, service center of Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division now officially offers full ISO 17025 recertification services for laser tracker systems. This newly accredited laboratory adds to Hexagon’s existing global capacity for ISO 17025 certification and furthers their goal of developing their localized service and support infrastructure for laser tracker users around the world.

Equipment recertification is a complex but vital service for users of all coordinate measuring systems (CMS), allowing them to ensure the continued accuracy of their data against a globally recognized and fully traceable standard. The ISO 17025 certification for laser tracker systems includes a variety of tests that challenge every capability of the device, including traceable precision probing and optical scale-bar tests, distance meter standard frequency comparisons and ultra-high-accuracy measurements using installed linear systems.

“We’re very happy to be able to offer this new service to users of Absolute Tracker systems from all over the world,” said Tomáš Podlešák, Service Manager of the Prague Tracker Service Center. “We’ve worked very hard to meet the stringent requirements necessary to become an ISO-certified lab, and now we’re very proud to be operating one of the few facilities in the world able to deliver the ISO 17025 certification for laser trackers.”

The ISO 17025 certification is available for Hexagon’s range of laser tracker CMS equipment, including the Leica Absolute Tracker AT960 with Leica Absolute Scanner LAS and LAS-XL, Leica T-Scan 5 and Leica T-Probe, as well as the Leica Absolute Tracker AT403 and Leica B-Probe and the Leica Absolute Tracker AT930.

“This new evolution of our Tracker Service Center in Prague is just the next step in our roadmap to deliver more high-level service opportunities to our customers around the world,” said Colin Osborne, Hexagon’s Technical Service Director for Tracker Products. “As a company we’ve made it a priority to have high-level technical expertise on the ground in as many of our markets as possible instead of relying on a central hub for that expertise like many other suppliers. That philosophy is what allows us to deliver such high-quality services on a local level, and it’s what allows us to make advancements such as this impressive new development in Prague.”

Accreditation for the laboratory in Prague was provided by the Czech Accreditation Institute.

For more information: www.hexagonmi.com


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