Helmee Imaging Adds Automotive Manufacturing Expert to BOD

Helmee Imaging, developers of a quality intelligence platform for the inspection of high gloss curved parts in the automotive and consumer electronics sectors, recently announced the appointment of Gary Johnson to its Board of Directors. Mr. Johnson brings decades of quality and manufacturing experience as an executive in the automotive industry and helped to transform Ford Motor Company’s operations and facilities through data, software and innovative technologies.

“We are thrilled to have such a high-level professional as Gary join our team. He will definitely bring us the desired subject matter expertise from the automotive and manufacturing industries, with decades of experience in the field. We are looking forward to working with Gary and gaining his valuable contributions to our future plans and actions,” said Mika-Petteri Kuro, CEO, Helmee Imaging.

Mr. Johnson’s most recent position was the Chief Manufacturing Officer and Labor Affairs Officer at Ford. In this role, he oversaw global operations, engineering support, and material planning for all 83 stamping, assembly and powertrain plants located across the globe, led an organization employing 120,000 individuals and managed an annual budget of $15B. Prior to this role, Mr. Johnson was Vice President of Manufacturing for North America, and Asia Pacific and Africa at Ford.

“I’m extremely excited and honored to join the Helmee Board. The opportunity to join the team in their journey in providing world class products and services was something that made the decision very easy to make. I’m looking forward to learning and helping the team on their plans going now and in the future,” said Gary Johnson.

Helmee’s solution combines novel Covered Stereo Deflectometry machine vision, data and artificial intelligence (AI) to enable improved yields, throughput and traceability through real time insights and decision support. By automating the inspection process of glossy surfaced parts, Helmee enables defect detection of 95% – 99.97%, marking a vast improvement over the current manual inspection processes, with defect detection performance varying between 65% – 90%.

For more information: www.helmee.com

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