Enhanced Laser Trackers Offer ISO 10360-10 Compliant Performance

Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division has announced a new system software release for Leica Absolute Tracker AT960 and AT930 systems. The update, which delivers notable usability improvements to current and future users, is available immediately and allows for integration of these systems within the HxGN SFx | Asset Management platform. New systems shipping with this update will also benefit from a renewed hardware branding concept aligned with the graphic redesign of the Absolute Tracker system software.
All Hexagon AT960 and AT930 Trackers are now rated with ISO 10360-10 compliant system specifications. The ISO 10360-10 standard has been developed to allow users to make reliable comparisons between laser tracker systems and will soon represent the industry standard for evaluating laser tracker accuracy performance.

“Metrologists from Hexagon’s Absolute Tracker research and development team in Switzerland provided expert technical input to the ISO committee as this standard for evaluating laser tracker accuracy was developed,” says Matthias Saure, Absolute Tracker Product Manager, Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division. “Soon users will be able to call on this as a reliable measure for comparing the performance of various trackers – something that has been much needed in the world of laser trackers – and we’re very proud to be able to say that the Absolute Tracker is the first laser tracker system to get onboard with what will very soon be an industry standard.”

The new system software update delivers a number of new upgrades to the usability of the AT960 and AT930 systems. These include newly modifiable motor parameters to allow customised protection against vibration effects as well as improved functionality of the integrated Overview Camera, which will now offer picture quality at three times the previous resolution and multiple zoom levels. Changes also allow for control of some power and connectivity configuration functions direct from the AT Controller with no PC connected.

The SFx Asset Management allows for complete fleet management of manufacturing inspection systems, including remote monitoring based on real-time data streaming. With a centralised, user-friendly dashboard that’s easy to access and use, the platform delivers an accurate way to monitor and analyse how key assets are performing, whether on a single site or in multiple factories around the world. The integration of the Absolute Tracker systems within this platform will give users an easy way to oversee and increase the productivity of their advanced tracker-based large-volume and automated inspection and production setups.“We’re always working hard on making our customers more productive,” says Rodrigo Alfaia, Absolute Tracker Product Manager, Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division. “Innovation has for a long time been a keyword for our approach, as demonstrated by our development of leading laser tracker solutions including our PowerLock automatic targeting, our 6DoF inspection solutions, both manual and automated, and our cutting-edge real-time robot correction systems. Many of these technologies have a key role to play in the Smart Factories of the future, which is why it’s so important to ensure our systems offer complete integration within the HxGN SFx | Asset Management platform. This is a big step towards enhanced intelligent manufacturing systems, and the best laser trackers need to be a part of that.”

For more information: www.hexagonmi.com

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