Optical 3D Surface Sensor Integrates Production Measurement

Benchtop version

The Wenzel optical 3D sensor WM | RS-C is a surface measuring white light interferometer and was developed for measuring, characterizing and inspecting topographies, roughness and finest structures in a microscopic environment.

The WM | RS-C captures 3D surfaces as a point cloud or triangulated STL mesh and thus enables DIN EN ISO-compliant 2D and 3D roughness evaluation. The particular strength of the sensor lies in the measurement of vertically and horizontally high-resolution surfaces. The optical 3D sensor uses the short coherence length of ‘white’ light to measure technical surfaces vertically at highest resolution.

The blue LED sensor uses an internal GigE camera with full HD resolution and an integrated LED with optimized spectral distribution. The interferometer is usually operated with exchangeable Mirau lenses. In the table version, the interferometer works with a piezo-driven actuator, which enables high-resolution scanning of topographies.

During the production of components, not only the dimensional accuracy and tolerances are in the focus of the quality assurance but also the functional properties of the component surfaces

must be checked. This is where the WM | RS-C comes into play analysing the quality of the

Polished surface

manufactured surfaces and their functionality, such as sealing, lubrication, friction and wear behaviour.

In addition optical roughness measurement is available with the WM | RS-C sensor mounted on the Wenzel Core machine. Designed to increase the speed of production measurement processes, the CORE optical high speed scanning system provides a highly flexible 3D inspection solution for demanding measurement requirements. The sensor can be switched automatically between optical and tactile tasks.

For more information: www.wenzel-group.com

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