Inline Automatic Point Cloud Evaluation Software

With OptoInspect3D Inline large 3D data sets generated by optical systems can be compared with nominal reference geometries fast and automatically allowing the validation of each manufactured part to be performed inline and within the manufacturing chain.

Since the different software functions are provided as a library, they can be integrated flexibly into hardware and software systems for automated measurements used for the manufacturing control of products and component parts.

OptoInspect3D provides highest performance, simple and flexible integration, certified accuracy with robust and efficient methods for     o Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing analysis (GD&T).  Additional functionality includes filtering, smoothing, elimination of outliers, segmentation, alignment, comparison nominal/actual (CAD, point cloud) and best fit.

Highest Performance
Using highly efficient algorithms and data structures combined with multi-core support, huge data sets can be processed so fast that real time evaluations and inline integration into manufacturing chains becomes possible.

Simple and flexible integration
Independent of the digitization method or device (3D scanner with structured light, light section or laser scans) 3D point clouds can be analysed and the geometry validated. The methods from the C++ library can be easily accessed via a C API and integrated into customized applications and workflows. Additionally, a graphical environment can be used to test the different functionalities and for the definition of geometric parameters for the analysis of the 3D point clouds.

Certified Accuracy
Fast yet precise! The German national metrology institute (PTB) attested to OptoInspect3D Inline “deviation of the smallest order” (i.e. < 0.1 μm or 0.1“). The software incorporates robust and efficient methods for Alignment, Comparison nominal/actual (CAD, point cloud), GD&T analysis, Best Fit,  and Approximation via geometric primitives (3D, 2D)

OptoInspect3D was originally scheduled to be exhibited at the Control 2020 event in the Fraunhofer Alliance “Vision” Special Show “Contactless Measuring Technology”. It is now scheduled to be exhibited at Control 2021.

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