Pressure Tech, established in 2000, is a UK manufacturer of high-quality stainless-steel pressure regulators for use on gas and liquid applications. Pressure Tech products provide accurate control to complex systems, and long-term reliability in service is a crucial requirement. The company’s extensive range of products is manufactured is covered by an ISO-9001 accreditation.
“We work closely with our customers and we listen to their specific needs to design products that deliver accurate system control” explains Keith O’Pray, Operations & System Manager at Pressure Tech. “Our business model also provides for a rapid response, enabling us to develop unique product designs within a matter of weeks for customers to evaluate.” Due to to Pressure Tech’s in-house machining and assembly, the company enjoys tight control over its production to maintain flexibility with minimal lead times.
From a technical point of view, a critical element of any Pressure Tech product is its ability to create a seal between two surfaces. Variance in the angle of a sealing part can be the difference between the part creating a seal or not. “We previously relied on a CNC programme and basic methodology to address this” continues the Operations & System Manager. “But, as we are always looking to enhance our internal processes, we were keen to source the latest measuring equipment to take this aspect of our production to the next level.”
“With products being supplied throughout the world via our growing network of distributors, we were already recognized as a market leader for quality pressure regulators” says O’Pray. And this meant an enviable reputation worth preserving.
A KEYENCE measurement systems became a focal point for the company. Could a solution from the Japanese specialist meet the technical challenges Pressure Tech staff encountered on an everyday basis? For Pressure Tech, a company whose products long-term reliability is an absolute must, this was worth investigating.
After careful consideration, an IM-7000 Series Image Dimension Measurement System from KEYENCE was acquired by Pressure Tech. The device was selected because of its range of specialist measurement tools, its built-in dimensional reporting feature and its speed of measurement – an essential feature on batch runs with low cycle times.
The new image measurement system allows Pressure Tech personnel to closely monitor the angle of all the external sealing surfaces manufactured, measuring accurately to within 0.01°. The results, according to Keith O’Pray, speak for themselves: since acquiring this system, “we have consequently been able to ensure repeatability of the machining process and the quality of the components produced”.
New programs can take just minutes to create and a full dimensional report for a part can be generated at the click of a button. “This means we are seeing benefits not only in the improvement and consistency of the parts produced, but also in the speed of measurement; given the complexity of some parts, this is imperative when working to tight deadlines” says O’Pray. For Pressure Tech, the accuracy of its critical components’ measurement was always going to be a key consideration. And the KEYENCE solution ensures it can reach an entirely new level of precision.
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Tags: 3d vina, hiệu chuẩn, hiệu chuẩn thiết bị, IM-7000 Series, keyence, KEYENCE solution, máy đo 2d, máy đo 3d, máy đo cmm, máy đo keyence, sửa máy đo 2d, sửa máy đo 3d, sửa máy đo cmm